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A new mission has begun in the Vohimana reserve in Madagascar! (2/2)

Our ecovolunteers will be there to work on two of our projects: (1) the conservation of the world's largest chameleon and (2) the inventory of the reserve's chameleons.

Part 2/2: The inventory of the reserve's chameleons

Two years ago, in partnership with the NGO L'Homme et l'Environnement and the Paris Zoo - MNHN, we embarked on an exciting project: the inventory of the chameleons in the Vohimana reserve. Thanks to our fantastic guides Gagah, Régis and Jérôme, we have been able to observe several hundred chameleons. With each observation, we photograph the animals and collect detailed data on their environment and climatic conditions. This enables us to expand our knowledge and refine our conservation strategies.

Chloé and Martin, our ecovolunteers, have the rewarding task of taking part in this project. It's a unique opportunity for them to benefit from the expert knowledge of our field guides and, who knows, maybe discover a new species that has yet to be recorded in Vohimana.

Thank you to everyone who is making this project possible and to our dedicated eco-volunteers for all their hard work!


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