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Conference at the annual ‘DGHT - AG Chamaeleons’ day

The annual meeting of the DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e. V.) working group on chameleons (AG Chamäleons) is being held this weekend in Germany.

Conférence à la journée annuelle DGHT - AG Chamaeleons
Conférence à la journée annuelle « DGHT - AG Chamaeleons »

Martin Etave, our project manager, had the honour of presenting a lecture on the ecology of chameleons in the Vohimana reserve in Madagascar.

He shared valuable information on the distribution of the different species observed, as well as their habitat and climate preferences, in front of a group of enthusiastic specialists.

Conférence Caméléon Center Conservation DGHT - AG Chamaeleons
Conférence Caméléon Center Conservation DGHT - AG Chamaeleons

These interim results come from our field project, developed over the last two years in partnership with the Paris Zoo - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle and the NGO Homme et Environnement.


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